Quite a few hikers gathered Wednesday and immediately decided to split up into 2 groups: one going to Lake Lola Montez, and the other going to Malakoff Diggins.
Eleven of us (Maureen, Barbara B., Marilyn N., Akiko, Selma, Clarence, Jim, Tami, Cyndi, John and Elly) hiked the 3.5 miles up the dusty trail to spectacularly beautiful lake. Wouldn't you know it...looked like gorgeous swimming but chilly air! No sooner than he had eaten, Jim led Akiko to upper Lola Lake. Maureen headed off to explore the cliffs, and John, Elly, Cyndi, and Tami followed Jim and Akiko shortly thereafter. Pretty soon all return except the last group. Thinking they were just following the others, they used arms, legs, butts, shoulders, and fingernails to scale the boulders straight up following the ducks to the lake. After a while and some explored routes ("wait, I think I hear Jim and Akiko"), they doggedly followed John's GPS. They wondered why they were climbing a mountain higher than the advertised "jaunt of another 200 feet elevation gain" (Who said that, anyway??) to the higher Montez. It was finally in sight and the 4 bleary hikers were surprised to find no one there. Tami was sure she saw a road with tire tracks across the lake (and a cafe, too?) and wanted to explore an easier way down. But time was of the essense as we worried about our fellow explorers down at the lower lake. So, no water to drink/no cameras to record this second beautiful lake we carefully let ourselves down the cliffs, handing Cyndi's now useless hiking sticks from one to another.

Meanwhile, back at base (a beautiful chunk of granite that stuck into the lake), the rest of the group worried, blew a whistle, and called somebody's phone number (not mine). So when the errant group finally appeared, they were both relieved and pissed. Allowing no rest for the weary, the reunited group took off down the trail once again discussing the soporific National Park Show: the parts that we remembered seeing, anyway.

Thank you, Kim, for recommending this hike - not sure why you didn't come. No snow...lovely temperatures. And once again to Clarence for the pictures.
We seemed divided about next week: Some would like to continue with the high country while it is still passable. Others will definitely follow Jim for another Poorman's Creek hike out of Washington. The meeting time will change to 9 AM for that hike. The high country hikers would like your input on any options you would like considered. We have been thinking of either a ten mile round trip to Benson Hut along the PCT or the Frog Lake Overlook hike from the Boreal rest stop. Quite a few hikers who would normally make this trip can't next week and even we may have a time problem so we need your input.