Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 28, 2009 Bridgeport

A record number of 19 hikers(!) turned out yesterday to hike about 5 miles in a split hike: out to the end of the Buttermilk trail above the sparkling S. Yuba and then to Pt. Defiance. Mary, Grace, both Barbara's, Marilyn S., Kim, Jo, Akiko, Tiana, Tami, Laurie, Stan, Karen, Priscilla, Selma, Jim'n'Jan, John'n'Elly went on the narrow trail famous for its wildflowers, which, of course, were not present. Some of us extended that part of the hike by taking the old road to the dairy that ends up on Pleasant Valley Rd. Back at the cars we decided to go the other direction, up the switchbacks to the area where trails go back down to the S. Yuba. After lunch at Pt. Defiance (I have yet to find out the origin of that name - who or what was being defied?) we returned via the S. Yuba trail to covered bridge and the parking lot. We met a couple from NC who might be interested in joining our group.

Next week several of us can't be there. It was decided that the group will go to Weimar and hike there. The following week we were talking about hiking going back to Spenceville. See you then!

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