Sixteen hikers (Jim, Maureen, Barbara G., Stan, Becky – welcome back!, both Marilyns, Clarence, Mary, Priscilla, Cyndi, Tami, Karen, Laurie, John, and Elly) returned to the high country this Wednesday for a hike above Lake Valley Reservoir at Eagle Mountain. Although the trail was dusty, we were treated to gardens of wildflowers and spectacular views of the lake. Along the trail we saw Arrow-leaved Balsam Root (relative of Mule's Ears), Spreading Phlox, and Paintbrush.
Under some large dome-like outcroppings, we turned towards a rocky overlook for lunch. At the lunch spot were more flowers including penstemon. When Jim posed the challenge of climbing the dome, John and Elly and Maureen hove to and followed the Pied Piper. Pretty soon we were ascending a very steep rock face needing to use the “three-point rule” (3 of 4 limbs needed to be contact with the earth at all times). Although the hand and toe holds were not too difficult, Maureen looked down and suddenly realized that not only had she not done this before, but how good an idea was it? To her credit, she persevered and made it not only to the top of the first rock dome but to the higher one too. She practically clicked her heels in glee when she summited. Descending was less fun as we had to make our way through scratchy brush which was prone to collapsing and postholing our legs up to our crotches (mine, anyway).
When we returned to the lunch outcropping, most of our friends had left. Some stayed while we ate lunch reveling in the view and perfect air. As our carpool dawdled atop, Becky wondered if anyone else felt a drop. We started to hear thunder but continued to dawdle as we found more wildflowers: Fawn Lilies and a Western Wallflower. Pretty soon we were feeling hailstones and we knew we had to get going. We high-tailed it down the trail ducking for cover under trees when things got heavy. Soon we got to an Eagle Mountain warming hut and waited it out for a bit. I understand that the group ahead of us did that too. It would have been pretty funny to open the door and find them there. The rest of the hike was amid steamy forest as the sun volatilized the standing rainwater.
Next week Clarence is leading us to Sagehen Creek, out of Truckee. We will be starting at 8:30 AM.
BBQ/potluck – it was fun to hear everyone planning what to bring – sounds like some good homemade nourishment!! We will provide the BBQ stuff – might be salmon – you can bring the other dishes plus wine or beer or whatever to share. We are planning to start it at 4 to accommodate the MIM attendees and most people seemed to be able to make it on June 14th. I will make up a list in order to coordinate what people are bringing and we will get the directions out to you.