Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cronan Ranch

John writes:

Kim led us on a very pleasant hike to a new destination (new to most of us, at least). It was a sunny mild day, we had ten hikers (including Barbara G., welcome back!) in two cars heading south on 49 past Auburn and Cool to Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park. Kim thoughtfully had us stop just short of the park at the historic Bayley House to make use of their first class flush toilets. The hike at Cronan was about five miles in a loop, starting up a ridge and following it a couple of miles with fine views in all directions, including the south fork of the American River, which was our lunch stop goal. We dropped from the ridge gradually, eventually making our way to the banks of the river, which was beautiful and swift. Frank surmised that every inch of gravel had been combed through for gold in the past 150 years, but it didn't stop him from poking around a bit with the toe of his boot. He didn't find anything. We returned via the central trail up the middle of the valley, past the old homestead, which contained a small lending library "take one, leave one". Karen saw a book she wanted, but didn't have one to leave, so settled for writing the title down, hoping to order it when she got home, I presume. The park has a number of trails and would be suitable for a return visit one of these days. Hikers this week were Kim, Frank Harpold, Barbara G., Karen, Selma, Jim, Marilyn, Tiana, Jo, and John. Next week? It's the day before Thanksgiving, but are some of you interested in working up an appetite for Turkey Day?

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