Wednesday, December 9, 2009

the Neighborhood

Pictures are in opposite order from story.

Since our driveway continues to be an ice sheet, John and I took advantage of the sun's melting rays to explore a walk up to the the Chicago Park NID ditch on the other side of 174. It was there, just as a lady had told us and wow, what a lovely level walk. We were all alone as we followed the meandering trail and have no idea how much further we could have gone.

But we started getting nervous about how long we had walked so we retraced some trail and went down an icy road to 174. To our surprise we were way past the Peardale area and had to retrace at least a mile on the busy highway which in spite of speeding vehicles, was slippery on the sides.

We went down Peardale and waded through the snow of the land trust area, and returning along the lake path to our meadow.

The hike had taken hours, must have been at least 5 miles, many of them cautiously slow due to the ice. I include this hike to show how beautiful local hiking can be. That said, we wonder if there was an official hike today. If so, please send description and pix. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Your hike looks fabulous. Would it be something the group would like to do? I'm wondering who went hiking today myself. I stayed home to decorate for Christmas.



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