Fifteen sun-starved hikers woke to a clear, cold dawn. And it was on a Wednesday to boot!! Knowing the trails would be sopping wet and muddy, we decided on Wolfe Road, hiking the over 7 miles to the top and back. Clarence, Kim, Jo, Akiko, Maureen, Priscilla, Barbara G., Marilyn S., Frank, Tiana, Mary, Tammy, Karen, John, and Elly stretched our legs as we enjoyed the passing view of the Sierra with it's bright new snow. At the end of the hike, even the Sierra Buttes emerged from their clouds a bit to reveal their white selves.

The views on both sides of the ridge were spectacular. To the west were the Marysville Buttes with the snow-covered coast range behind it. We ate lunch on some sunny out-croppings where we could enjoy that view.

Next week there was talk of Gray Lodge once again. Since we know not everyone wants to go down there, why don't those of you who would rather hike somewhere else either comment on this blog or email me. We'll see who is interested in an alternative. (All this assumes good weather.)

Thanks to Clarence for the pictures.
Your picture with the pond came out a lot nicer than mine, Clarence, thanks, you are a great picture taker! Tiana