After last Wednesday's Goomba delight and Frank's DVD preview, some of us decided to thumb our noses at the weather and go lower to where the sun did shine. With the previous night's rain and lingering snow, it seemed unwise to go to view the Bridgeport flowers so we decided on the sun-drenched Mooney Flat Road. Meeting the low-landers at the dam, we were disappointed that the clouds closed in, dulling the Spring grasses and flowering trees as we headed mostly down to Engelbright Lake. By the time we got there the sun and had broken back out making the lunch stop warm and pleasant. Barbara shared some leftover sweets from her book group which was appreciated as a few neglected to bring their lunches.
Along the lake path was a good display of Shooting Star flowers. A duck couple cavorted together in a cove but we were sorry to learn (from Tammy calling her friend on a cell) that they would not be raising any progeny. The male was a hybrid Mallard and something else with a blue bill and black back and therefore, sterile. Which brought to Barbara's mind, today's story of the Pinnacle condors. They will not be raising their own chick but that of a captivity one with a stronger shell. Wonder who raises theirs.
So next week we will do the wildflower walk - WE HOPE!! Unless we get our usual Wednesday snow.
Wish I had been there because I did that walk lots and lots of times. Our home for 18 years was right across from the dam. However, skiing was great on Wednesday with about 6 inches of fresh powder.