The weather being unusually toasty, seventeen of us returned to the easily accessed lakes at the pass, this time from the south. Present were: Clarence, Tiana, both Franks and Ellen, Priscilla, Marilyn S., Selma, Jim, Susan and Rod, Kim, Walt and grand daughter Nancy, Tammy, John and Elly. This time we decided to re-visit "catfish lake" on our way to the Ladies. They were there and once again we speculated on how they survived the winter freeze. Maybe they huddle in a bunch and only the interior ones survive. From there we hiked directly north climbing some steep rocks to get our bearings. Once we realized how close we were to Lake Angela, the trails became more obvious.
We decided to skip Angela for the finer lake: Flora. Five of us decided we really wanted to swim so the rest of the group went on to Azalea. We dipped and swam at least to the middle, except for Tiana who swam all the way across, got out on the flat rock, and jumped back in for her return. All of us were properly refreshed so that basking in the warm hot mountain air was delightful. We were surprised at how quickly the rest of the group returned. Ellen took a brief swim and we all had a leisurely lunch. A breeze picked up, crossing the lake and cooling us further and making us dread the return to the heat below.
On the way down we decided to cross-country over to the PCT. That led to a small peak that some of us HAD to climb. Tiana, Susan and Rod, Fran and Ellen, John, and Elly scrambled up and enjoyed the fabulous, breezy view from a little over 7 thousand foot Stewart Peak.
Suggestions for next week include the Loch Leven Lakes from the rough road that deposits you higher and closer; and Summit with extension on the Donner Rim Trail.