Thursday, August 5, 2010

Zion Hill/Blue Lake

Bottom 4 photos from Clarence. I never know where they will end up - could be wrong again when it actually is "published".

Seventeen of us (Walt, Jo, Grace, Tiana, Paula, Frank Harpold, Barbara G., Marilyn N., Priscilla, Maureen, Jim, Clarence, Selma, Susan (Raub, hiked with us on an extended hike last year), Claudia, John, and Elly walked 6-7 miles depending on our routes. We parked below Blue Lake dam and walked up Zion Hill. The rocks were iron red and quite warm to the touch. We found we were not alone at the top, as some sort of flying insects were swarming to procreate or whatever, maybe hold a meeting. The view from the top was not only of Blue Lake, but Spaulding, Fuller, and Rucker. The Sierra was smokier and paler than usual but did clear up some as the day progressed.
From the top of Zion Hill, everyone except John, Elly, and Susan retraced their steps to Blue Lake, crossed the dam, and picked their way slowly along the rocks at water's edge. Tiana went ahead and took a quick dip. The renegade 3 let themselves down the steep hill, often by turning backwards and stepping down rocks and then wading through scratchy brush. Then they proceeded to hike the ridge between Spaulding and Blue Lakes - spectacular view as they went up and down the rock hills.
We met at the cabin on the ridge above the cleared area/shooting range. The dining table in the cabin was beautifully appointed with dining table and gorgeous chairs and a stupendous view. The bathroom facility was missing a place to sit and a hole but did have a spigot with running water. As we listened to the seranading chants of Mormon girls' camp below, we ate lunch on a shady platform above the house.
After lunch Jim led us up the ditch trail towards the petroglyphs but only 8 of us made it. The others had had enough hiking and headed home.
Next week a group up for an extended hike will climb Castle Peak, head to Basin Peak, hiking cross-country down to another trail that eventually ends up at the PCT and Peter Grubb Hut. All interested in this loop need to meet at 8 AM at the usual place.

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