Thursday, September 2, 2010

Loch Leven from the Back Door

Nineteen of us (Kim, Priscilla, Maureen, Tiana, Jo, both Marilyns, Clarence, Walt and Nancy, Tammy, Selma, Cyndi, Paula, and Grace plus Frank and Ellen and John and Elly who climbed Old Man Mountain the day before) parked above Long Lake Reservoir to hike back to Lower Loch Leven. We passed Salmon Lake, came upon Lower LL where we left Kim, who was having back spasms. Then on to Middle Loch Leven, where we left Walt, Nancy, Selma, and Marilyn N.
With what happened next, I suspect quite a few more wish they had stayed back.

As we rounded the lake to head to Upper LL, we lost the trail due to the parallel nature of the trails and mistaken GPS's. We arrived at a rock stair climb that required hands and feet, which did not delight everyone equally. Frank retraced and led some of the group on an alternate route while John led the rest of the group another way and heard a bit of grumbling in the ranks. I headed straight up on the high rock to view the way and figure out which route would be most fun. Eventually we all came together and had a lovely picnic on a rock outcropping on the lake. It was a bit cool to swim so we just hung out and enjoyed ourselves for a while.

The trail down was more obvious but we got into another problem about who wanted to visit Salmon Lake and who didn't and what carpool they were in. As it turned out, Salmon Lake was so close that we all could have visited it rather easily. It was full of catfish who gathered below the rock we stood on...another hatchery for the Chinese workers? By that time a swim would have been nice but Salmon Lake with its algae and fish was hardly inviting. We had hiked about 7 miles in all.

But this brings up the problem of carpools. Priscilla was miffed that we all disappeared into cars and it left her with her own car which is a Camry that she didn't feel comfortable driving on a dirt road. Clarence solved the driving problem by driving her car. We usually look to fill our car with people who might want to extend the hike and/or stay longer. Is there a good way to solve this problem with such a big and diverse group?

Next week we are proposing a rather long and strenuous hike for those who desire. We would park at Grouse Ridge and hike Sand Ridge down to 5 Lakes, possibly explore there, and then up to Glacier Lake possibly exploring the Black Buttes there. It would be all day, at least 8.5 miles, but leave at the usual 8:30 time. I'm sure there will be a shorter hike for those who want - anyone who wants to lead it can contact the group or I will post it here.

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