Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Creek Mountain

Nine hikers who enjoy a challenge and unknown trails (or lack of them) gleefully headed up from Carr/Feeley partway to Delaney Lake and then headed off the trail into the brush towards Fall Creek Mountain. We had no idea what we were doing so we went up and down, laughing at the silliness of creeping through the brush on deer trails. "Oh, let's look at that ridge!" We were quite taken with the precipitously balanced glacial erractics that looked like a strong wind would blow them over the cliff.When Hidden Lake appeared, we looked UP and saw our destination: rocky cliffs. Once again we used all fours and headed up the moutain on the least brushy route we could muster until we arrived at the top and the coveted prize: the Staff of Underwear. Sadly, we all had forgotten our extra undies and had nothing to contribute but we were happy to sit under others' castoffs to enjoy yet another stupendous view and lunch. Visible, were at least 5 lakes at a time, not to mention the outhouse next to the Quail Ridge Lookout which some of us wished were a bit closer.

Towards the beginning of the steep slide down the other side, John managed to misjudge a good place to change his GPS battery. Suddenly, between his legs, out buzzed a swarm of yellow jackets, quite happy to sting anyone in sight. They got both John, who was moving fast, but not fast enough, and Maureen, right under her Michael Jackson glove. Both sustained sufficient venom to deal with serious swelling to their hands. Even today (Thursday), John's hand resembles a rubber glove blown up like a balloon. He has a doctor appointment tomorrow so that we may each carry an epipen. After the descent towards a back road to Lindsay Lake, we found our way down below Carr/Feeley parking and returned to our cars. Was 4 miles enough of a hike? I guess all the rock climbing/bushwhacking and sliding down exhausted about everyone so that the enthusiasm for another hike didn't seem to be evident.

After running into the other group (of about the same size as ours) we had to satisfy Frank's curiosity about what the Emigrant Trail did when it crossed Bowman Lakes Road. Where did they actually lower those wagons down? Where did it hit Bear Valley? S0 we did a bit more exploring at those sites. The other group hiked about 6 miles round trip to Fordyce Falls...and seemed to have enjoyed it. I'm happy to post a report if anyone from that group wants to write one.

I have no idea what is supposed to happen next week. A number of us will not be able to hike that week. Anyone want to comment on the other hike? About next week?

1 comment:

  1. Elly means Grouse Ridge Lookout, of course. We're not quite ready yet for Quail Ridge.



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