Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stevens from Iowa Hill, a guided trail

Five of us took off to Iowa Hill Road on the other side of Colfax. Although twisty, it was paved and well engineered. Only a little carsick, we pulled up in front of the Iowa Hill store, which actually was a bar. The porch held several tatooed, pierced beer drinking types, having their smokes and brews. As we alighted from the car, we were greeted by a crowd of dogs and informed that one of them would be our hike leader. Shorty was the meanest looking hombre in the pack but indicated he would be quite happy to lead us to the American River. No fee. So I will let him tell the tale (pun intended).

Shorty, here...led my small group down the steep hill. They were mighty slow as they slid down one of the many trails to the main one. I whiled away my time by criss-crossing the trails and always returning to lead them down the main one. The group kept stalling at the wildflowers and the Hawaiin Grotto but they managed to continue following me down the beautifully built (at one time) trail. Admittedly there were sections where one false step could pitch them down the hill but what's a little poison oak? And they were SOOO slow when they had to cross slippery rock or logs and especially where they had to use a previously installed rope to go over one section. What wimps. After 3.7 miles they stopped by the river for lunch while I drank heartily. With my refined manners I didn't even eat the large crumbs these humans dropped until they were picked up and hand fed.

After a while we started back up the trail but when the humans got separated from each other, I got a little confused and tried to warn the 3 in the back of danger up ahead. I kept stopping which they didn't like as they nudged me along, reassuring me that these humans were not dangerous. About 25 minutes from home, I could hear the generators humming, keeping the electricity on for the houses and allowing people to watch daytime TV. I smelled the kibble waiting, and figuring the humans knew the way back, took off for home.

If you plan to take this trail: POISON OAK can't be avoided - it is 7.4 miles RT with an elevation loss and then gain of 1650 feet. Phew. But I, Shorty, would be happy to be your guide.

Incredibly beautiful wildflowers:

Coral Bells
Indian Pinks
Fairy Lanterns
Wild Rose
Showy Monkeyflower
False Solomon's Seal
Blue Dicks
Wild Onion
Star Flower
Madia (yellow)
Cat's Ears
Clarence is talking about the dogwoods near rte 20 for next week and/or explore the new Hirschfield trail on Cement Hill.

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