Although 13 gathered at the meeting place, 10 of us decided to go all the way to Sand Ridge Lake. The other 3 went to Grubb Hut and turned around. On our way up to Castle Pass, we ran across 2 guys who were on a pilgrimage to Tahoe from Ft. Bragg. Turtle and Patrick were their names and they were obviously not on a direct route but they did relish Tiana's hand out of fresh green peppers. They are trying to promote this pilgrimage thing - maybe you can read about it at
www.plantsandhealers.com or Dave might have another website for them.

We turned left after the Grubb Hut and headed back along the Hole in the Ground Trail (HITG) to the turn-off for Sand Ridge Lake. The trail was beautiful and kept up by either a Folsom bicycle group or equestrians. There were a few bikers but, it being Wednesday, not very many. The lake was lovely and 4 of us went swimming before lunch. Cold but refreshing.
After lunch we returned via the HITG trail over the side of Andesite Peak. We kept up a brisk pace set by Jim and were thrilled to have hiked a total of 11 miles. All pictures by Maureen.
A note on observed motorcycle fatality on way home: all I know is that victim was from Reno.
Next week we plan to confuse things by hiking another Sand Ridge - the one found near Grouse Ridge. We will go to 5 Lakes Basin and return by Glacier Lake. Some of this route is off trail and is 9.5 miles - we took this trip last year in mid-Sept. For those who want a shorter hike, you can split off from us and spend the day at Glacier Lake. Meeting time is 8:30.
Here's a link to the KNCO account of the motorcycle fatality: http://www.knco.com/Local/2838021-Reno-Motorcyclist-Killed-Gold-Run-Accident.html