Saturday, December 24, 2011

Brr humbug...

from John:

We had a small group of six come out on the day of the winter solstice to hike the So. Yuba Trail upstream from the So. Yuba campground to Humbug Creek. It was chilly in the shade and warm in the sun and we hiked the beautiful trail at a nice brisk pace. The plan was to lunch at the picnic tables on the bluff where the creek hits the river. We got there in good time but found the whole area to be in the shadow of the immense cliff on the other side of the river. Both banks of the river were coated with white frost and sitting at the tables would have made for an uncomfortably cold lunch. So back we went to the spur trail which drops down to the big bend in the river, which we had seen on the way up to be drenched in sunlight. And so it was. We got back in time (barely) for Tiana to get ready for her latest Christmas party. She's been quite the party gal this season, so it seems.

 No pictures this week. 8.5 miles.

 No suggestions so far for next week (the 28th). Any ideas?

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