Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chicago Park Ditch

Six of us hikers and 2 furry trotters braved the ice and snow to start our hike an hour later than usual to the Chicago Park Ditch.  Some of the roads up there were slow walking due to icy conditions.  At the end of the trail we had to guess our next step and somehow did a big loop behind the trail that eventually landed us on Hwy 174 west of the road we thought we'd come out.  We thought we'd be in Chicago Park but in fact, we were past Peardale towards GV.  Go figure - well figuring is what we have all been doing, GPS's and all, but we still are confused.  Well we aren't the only ones:  we did see various service trucks back on those roads going back and forth, presumably looking for the correct addresses. 

The hike was stunningly beautiful what with all the snow dripping from trees and outlining all buildings. By late morning, the sun warmed up the ice, making the walking easier and steaming the air with a bright brilliance.

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