Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stevens Trail

Fairy Lanterns
 Four of us hiked the slightly over 8 miles with an elevation gain of between one and two thousand feet.  The wildflowers were strongly in bloom although we didn't see any blooming Redbud trees.  The weather was perfect as there was a cool breeze on that hot southern slope.  We remained at the river for a leisurely lunch before hoofing it back up.

Some of the wildflowers: Fairy Lanterns, Milkweed, Wild Onions, Bush Poppies and Monkey flowers, Lupine, Caterpillar Phacelia, Indian Pinks, Fiddleheads, Canyon Dudleya, Blue Dicks, Wally's Basket,  Bush Poppies and Bush Monkey Flowers,  wild onions, Baby Blue eyes, Purple Nightshade.

Next week we talked about doing Fordyce Falls.  Or Second Divide.

Lewis' Mon keyflower

CA or Purple Milkweed

Caterpillar Phacelia

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