Thursday, May 8, 2014

Around Bowman Mountain

Loney Meadow
 Seven of us jumped the season and went hiking higher: up around Bowman Mtn. from Loney Meadow.  We were  too early for most wildflower blooms and not too late to have to hike through snow on Bowman Mountain to the pass between Upper and Lower Rock Lakes. 

A few wildflowers were in bloom, Glacier Lily and CA Starflower.  Red heads of Snow Plant were starting to poke through the duff and Pussy Paws looked like they had just been under some snow. 

Bowman Lake in Background

Many parts of the trail were under freshly melting snow or on top of large sections of snow.  It was easy to loose the way as other people's footprints were freshly snowed into.  The trail on the other side of the drift had to be found but that sleuthing made the hike more challenging and interesting.  We hiked about 8 miles with a 1400 foot elevation gain, with the top elevation being in the 6 thousands.  The sometimes dry tarn that we have admired near the clock tree was quite full so it had a different look than usual.  A tree had fallen in the area below it, changing it's look a bit.  Corn lilies were on their way up but still quite short at the lower elevations.  Aspens were still leafless and elegant in their austerity.


Tarn near Watch Tree

Glacier Lilies

Next week we will hike at 8:30 due to the desire to hike further away up in the high country.  We might try to get up to Island Lake with a hike to Penner.  That's a south-facing slope so there may be wildflowers.

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