Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Rock Lakes by Lindsay

Three of us braved the heavy weather and decided to stay low once more.  We drove a roundabout way (via the road to Carr-Feely) to Lindsay Lake where we were surprised by the amount of activity.  Numerous campers drying out their belongings, PG&E trucks, and others who had the key to the locked gate. 

Upper Rock Lake

Huckleberry Oak
Upper Rock Lake

Grass Valley horse people at Lower Rock Lake

This horse was a real beggar
 We hiked past the three Lindsays and Culbertson up to Upper Rock Lake where we ate lunch.  We came back via lower Rock Lake, where we met two GV women on horseback.  The rain set in, hastening our return to the car. We did deploy our raincoats and pack covers.  Lots of thunder, but we saw no lightning.  We drove back via the Loney Meadow road, which is much the shorter route.  We hiked about 8 miles with 1100 ft of elevation gain.   

Rain and thunder

bivouacked campers out of the rain

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