Sunday, November 23, 2014

Gracie Ditch

With rain predicted for later in the day ,seven of us hiked (walked?) the 9 mile Gracie Ditch.  Except for a few drops here and there, we completed the hike dry but hungry. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

This Fall it's all about color and we decided to walk around and enjoy it for the probably the last time this season.  Parking at Pioneer Park in Nevada City, we climbed up Boulder St. to the large cemetery,  and retraced our steps down Boulder St. all the way to bottom.  Hard to believe, you have to ford Deer Creek and if it were any higher, it would have been over the tops of our boots.  Some of us found out our footwear was not as waterproof as we thought.  From there we walked back up Willow Valley Rd. through Nevada City to the Heritage Trail.  The circuitous route ended up being between 10 and 11 miles with over a thousand foot elevation gain. 

Fording Deer Creek

Really?  It's Spring?

Creative cement drain on Heritage Trail

New Bridge


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Round Mountain Trail

One way Round Mtn round trip
Seven of us headed to the newly opened Bear  Yuba Land Trust trail system at Round Mountain.  Access was off a dirt road right after the religious camp on North Bloomfield Rd.  We wandered around for 7 miles with an elevation gain of 1000 feet.  Surprisingly we weren't the only ones. There were cars on the dirt roads and hikers and mountain bikers in the area.  For me, the high point was back at the car when Ellen noticed an unusual bird hopping around.  It
Varied Thrush
was a Varied Thrush (Robin Family) - used to see them in the Pac.Northwest but not here.  They resemble robins, but are a bit longer and slimmer. 

Hard Rock Café


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