Thursday, November 13, 2014

This Fall it's all about color and we decided to walk around and enjoy it for the probably the last time this season.  Parking at Pioneer Park in Nevada City, we climbed up Boulder St. to the large cemetery,  and retraced our steps down Boulder St. all the way to bottom.  Hard to believe, you have to ford Deer Creek and if it were any higher, it would have been over the tops of our boots.  Some of us found out our footwear was not as waterproof as we thought.  From there we walked back up Willow Valley Rd. through Nevada City to the Heritage Trail.  The circuitous route ended up being between 10 and 11 miles with over a thousand foot elevation gain. 

Fording Deer Creek

Really?  It's Spring?

Creative cement drain on Heritage Trail

New Bridge


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