Thursday, May 7, 2015

Humbug and S. Yuba

Harlequin Lupine

What is this?

Manroot.  Member of cucumber family

Walking across the S. Yuba to our picnic sandbar

Spotted Coralroot. Member of orchid family. 

Six of us hiked down the Humbug Trail to the S. Yuba. We walked over the bridge at Humbug creek to at a shallow Yuba crossing to a sandbar for lunch. Later the car drivers hiked back up the Humbug Trail to drive the cars around to the S. Yuba campground. The poison oak on steroids makes the Humbug Trail difficult. The bridges are replaced but the trail is quite steep in places and difficult to negotiate. The vistas into the Humbug canyon with its huge boulders were exciting. We hoped there would be less poison oak trying to grab us on the s. Yuba trail.  The leaves still reached for us but at least the trail was wider. Both trails had a large variety of wild flowers. Besides the ones shown, we saw penstemon monkey flowers, violets, Indian pinks, bleeding hearts, dogwoods, wild rose, false Solomonic seal, Clarkia, various members of the onion family, cats ears, star flowers, various members of the mint family, and Caterpillar Phaecia. We had hiked 8.5 miles with a bigger elevation loss than gain. 

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