Thursday, June 25, 2009

Loney Meadow/Rock Lake

Photos by Clarence...
Starting from either end:

End of hike: Dissension at Loney Meadow parking: We were met by understandably disgruntled hikers who had waited an inordinate amount of time in the heat of the parking lot for the group who had gone the extra miles. Solution? How about dividing into carpool groups more carefully at the beginning. Those of us who want to add an extra mile or so could be in one car. Hint: John and I always enjoy extending these hikes.

Confusion at takeoff: John and I arrive later than most and made decision NOT to go on proferred hike as it was going to be hot and we wanted to go high. A few wanted to go with us and before we knew it, everyone was going. Wow! Okay - happy to have everyone but...and guilt set in.

That off my chest, the hike was drop-dead gorgeous!! Every bit of it. We passed beautiful lakes, saw snowy mountains, and wildflowers to beat the band! How could I name them all? Oh so beautiful...I felt like being Miss Piggy and skipping through the meadows to meet Kermit.

Those who hiked to Rock Lake, did about 9 miles and all of us had a fair amount of elevation gain. We took time for lunch and a foot dip there (even a body dip but it was too chilly) and headed back. Which brings up another problem: Some of us would like to linger longer for lunch. Should that be a beginning carpool decision too? We drive all that way, hike all those miles, and would like to sit and enjoy a destination for a bit.
Participants: Stan, Jo, Barbara Blackford, both Marilyns, Clarence, Selma, Akiko, Steve and Ellen, Priscilla, Maureen, Karen, Cyndi, Tiana, Becky, John and Elly. And mosquitos too numerous to mention.

Wildflowers (some):

fields of Mules Ears and Pussy Paws
Bleeding Heart
Marisposa Lilly


Pretty face

Blue-eyed Grass

Snow Plant

Pine drops

Corn Lily

1 comment:

  1. As for next week, how about going to Lake Angela, Azalea Lake and Flora Lake? Best approach would be from Donner Ski Ranch because the Boreal exit is closed right now. That should be a pretty, and easy hike. Plenty of time for dipping toes and enjoying lunch. John



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