Thursday, June 11, 2009

Robie Point

Noting the continuing cool, cloudy weather, thirteen hikers braved Highway 49 to park on its flank and hike the easy last 3 miles of the Western States Trail. Led by Clarence; Selma, Akiko, Stan, Cyndi, Jo, Becky, Karen, Maureen, Marilyn S., Barbara G., John, and Elly took the correct trail in the maze of dirt roads to the finish line/horse station/skateboard park at the Newcastle canal where we had a leisurely and pleasant lunch. The route afforded many views of the aborted Auburn Dam site. It made several members think of the Ackerman editorial in the previous day's Union: where were the well-paid planners/engineers? They hadn't known that earthquakes could be set off by lots of water? This huge engineering fiasco was righted by yet more engineering to make a passably pleasing site, a recreation area for kayaks, and the bringing back of the American from its diversion.

Our mouths watered as we noted the many fig trees around what must have been an old homestead near the trail beginning. Wildflowers abounded in the bushes and trees: blooming Buckeyes, as well as Farewell to Spring, Paintbrush, St. John's Wort, various composites - mostly yellow, a spectacular stand of Sticky Chinese Houses (same family as snapdragons, paintbrush, monkeyflower), Scarlet Monkeyflower, and Milkweed and Chicory up by the skateboard park.

See you all Sunday at 4 or before - for tours and exploration...

Pictures by Elly and Clarence - last week by Clarence...

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