Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lang Crossing to Lake Spaulding

Hi Group - while we were languishing with mosquitos in the woods and biting flies at the beach swamp (Chincoteague, VA) , you got to hike in the beautiful Sierra - so dry and relatively cool. We got some biking and swimming in - walking was not fast enough to escape the insects. We are now in DC for my niece's wedding and will be home soon. So the following is from Clarence:

Lang Crossing to Lake Spaulding was a scenic hike for eleven of us. The trail was a little rocky in some places, but a well travelled path. There were a lot of creeks to step across, but Jordan Creek (The main stream) has just about stopped moving because it is that time of the year!

One delay~ Tammy, Grace, and I were ahead of the rest. When the rest of the group hit a spur trial they didn't know which way we had gone, Wisely they stopped and had a snack! When we missed them, I returned to find them. We were then only 15 min to Spaulding and lunch.
Shade was a premium, but the view was generous. (See attached photos)

There was much more downhill going back, so it was faster. When we got near the parking we were also at the very inviting swimming hole. Karen insisted that she needed to get into that cool clear pool. So she twisted the arm of Tiana and they both swam off. The pool was very cool, but they found
a shallow rock basin, where the water was warmed from the sun. They loved it! Cyndi and I were content to just put our tired feet into the cool stream.

Next hike ~ Laurie has requested hiking along the Pioneer trail.

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