Friday, May 13, 2011

S. Yuba/Missouri Bar to Washington

Due to catastrophic failure of the blog website, my entire post from Wednesday has been lost in the ether. Needless to say I am annoyed and frustrated. So here goes an abbreviated form of the post:
Six of us drove 2 cars to Washington, avoiding the early morning drunks adorning the road, a beer can between them. We parked one of the cars and all piled into the other one for the Relief Hill backroad trip (actually the road was recently scraped and quite good) to Missouri Bar trailhead. The trails were quite good, relatively easy for the amount of up and down switchbacks, so the 10 miles flew by.
Wildflowers adorned the trail with a few new ones for this season: scarlet fritillary, pine drops, showy phlox, orange wallflowers, an arrow-leafed mules ear type flower - arnica?, purple nightshade, and a low-growing ceanothus grew by the parking area. Otherwise there were large trillium and buttercups, larkspur, stickseed, bleeding heart, monkey flowers, and redbud in abundance.
The river was green in the calmer areas and white and blue in the rapids. The streams raced down to the rivers over a myriad of falls, some with plants growing through the water. Lunch was by the river but the only visitors we got were ants, spiders, and ticks. Not the glamour of last week's bear.

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