Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wolfe Rd.

Just three of us gathered at the meeting area - the rest of you were worried about rain! Akiko, John, and I decided that the possible impending rain meant we should walk in the open, without mud and slippery rocks. So we were surprised that a sign at the beginning of Wolfe road actually warned that hikers might be on the road. So, except for the traffic, we enjoyed the wide open views, clouds and wildflowers that adorned the road. We identified iris, arnica (or whatever those are), paintbrush, lupine, clover, sage, fairy lanterns, brodiaea, cat's ears, and lots of yellow flowers, all in the asteracea family - particularly one called Madia.
We ate at the house foundation that used to have an easy chair sitting in the middle. The views were dramatic and through it flew a large flock of good-sized birds - looked like Tundra Swans but I doubt they really were. The scary part was that they were flying South!! Do they know something we don't know??
After 8 miles, almost back to the car, a small, white SUV slowed down and there were Frank and
Ellen! They were tired of being housebound and decided to get out and do a bit of we stopped and talked a while. Small world.

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