Friday, August 12, 2011

3 hikers report in

from Peter:
Hiking from the turn off at Boreal, Dave lead 9 of us up in search of Sand Ridge Lake. We had great views of Castle Peak, from two directions, it seemed. The hike was complete with mini-glaciers, corn lilies, and even a few mountain bikers. After being unable to find the trail to Sand Ridge Lake, we had lunch and headed back. It might have been a bit far in any event. (Sand Ridge is now renamed into Lost Lake, or maybe Dave's Lost Lake) We probably hit 8000 feet elevation along the way; a nice hike. And no GPS with us; it's a miracle we made it back!
from us:
We went around Island Lake with my sister and her boyfriend - told them we would lead them on a 2 mile round trip due to their not being true hikers.  But we took a 3.5 mile detour that took us around the lake due to a desire to escape the mosquitoes at Crooked Lakes.  The going was challenging, involving many steep rock climbs and descents.  Needless to say, she was furious...but did admit it was quite beautiful. 

from Jo Wamser:
Aug. 4
Greetings -
Post-lunch in Warren Canyon. New (for me) trail - east side, below Tioga Pass, about 9,000 ft, off Hwy 120 - full of flowers including orchids, giant larkspur!  Weathered 4 days of rain in good spirits - Now back to blue skys and sun.
Joy in the mountains -

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