Thursday, August 4, 2011

Loney/Bowman/Rock Lake Loop

Eleven of us went across the meadow, past the old milk barn, and then followed Jim Ward on his short cut to the trail that circles Bowman Mountain.  We lost the short cut and had to bush whack through bushes to get our bearings but the going was fun and required more of us than blindly following a marked route.  We skirted Bowman Mountain, finally getting the view of views: Lassen, Sierra Buttes, and Bowman Lake.  Lovely with wildflowers crazy all over, trying to reproduce before the weather sets in again.  Vistas continued as we got to the lake that we wanted to stop at last year. It's snow pack, waterfalls, blue lake color, and iron rock did not disappoint.  But once again we wanted to get to Rock Lake before we stopped. Watch tree was a disappointment: watches are disintegrating (weather? vandalism?).  Oh well. We descended and then climbed steeply until the trail to Upper Rock Lake.  Which was LOVELY in it's quiet, pristine state.  No hail like last year.  No swimming, either.  And no snow anywhere.  We relaxed for quite a while in the shade, telling tales of Alaska and such.

The trip back was relatively easy with more flowers, especially columbine along Texas Creek.  The copse of aspens somewhat higher than Loney Meadows was unbelieveable in the late afternoon breeze.  Corn lilies where sometimes 6 feet high.  Sweet fragrances permeated the atmosphere almost all day.  Lupine, lilies of all kinds, aster family represented with various yellow arnicas and mule's ears.  Blue stickseed, purple larkspur, pink mallows, phlox, red paintbrush, orange alpine lilies.  Cinquefoil and buttercups.  Penstemon and pretty face and pine drops.  Unbelieveable gardens of lovely blooms. 
Pictures by Maureen, Frank, and Elly.  The other group was headed to the 3 Ladies Lakes.  Let us hear from you!!

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