Thirteen divided up by carpools: longer and shorter hike. But it was for naught - we decided to ALL head off to Kelly Lake on the way to our favorite lunch boulder overlooking Lake Valley Reservoir. Kelly Lake was supposed to be part the longer hike. We warned all that there would be a VERY STEEP but short hike to get back up to our view boulder. We forgot that the chute was after a long but easier climb. Guess we were going the other way last time. The chute had patches of snow and mud, making the progress slow. By the time we reached the top, not everyone was so enthusiastic about the view outcropping and opted to eat at the view area of the trail. Wildflowers were few: sulphur flowers and phlox. Too early? Dry February? After lunch Jim and Elly, looking for more adventure decided our group of longer hikers could just head straight down to the reservoir and a road - didn't it LOOK like there was a path? A bad but fun decision...we crashed through the brush holding tightly to iffy dead branches. It was one of the few times I wished we were smaller, perhaps a racoon in order to crawl UNDER rather than through the wall of bushes. Branches caught our laces and skin, it is a wonder no one got hurt. Rock outcroppings were our saving grace, although those, too, often had to be navigated by the seat of our pants. It turned out to be an adventure, alright, if a bit scratchy.
Next week is supposed to be Sagehen Creek, north of Truckee for the wildflowers.
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