Thursday, May 31, 2012

Upper and Lower Rock Lakes

Eleven of us, bent on not missing wildflowers, jumped the gun and hiked to Loney Meadows.  Beautiful green, lots of youngish plants, but flowers were not out yet.  Intent on getting a hike we climbed to the Rock Lakes, picnicing at Upper Rock Lake.  We were rewarded with several good showings of glacier lilies.  There were also currants (Sierra gooseberry) blooming under the woody stems of their bushes.  The few lupine were a dark purple (Meadow Lupine?).  Stands of Bleeding Heart were in bloom but Columbine hadn't opened yet. 

Except for term limits, politics was not discussed.   But another subject was Redwoods.  Turns out there are 3 genuses for Redwoods, 2 in CA and one in China.  They are all in the Cypress family.

Three of us diverted from the trail to get what we thought of as  view of Lower Rock Lake, which we had never seen.  We were quite delighted at the sight and decided to show most of the others on the way down.  It is a smaller and more intimate view with gorgeous reflections and jumping fish. 

Next week we meet at 9 and will go to Washington for a hike to Poorman's Creek.

Photos and map:  Frank, Maureen, Clarence, John.

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