Thursday, June 28, 2012

Loch Leven from the front door

Eleven of us met at the new 8:30 time and decided to climb the steep trail to the beautiful high lakes of Loch Leven.  The glaciated and morainal rocks gave way to the little creek crossing with its wildflowers and then up the the train crossing.  The remainder of the climb was mostly on switchbacks except for a few rough areas where fallen trees had blocked the way.  The many hikers had worn paths around them.  Lower LL was as beautiful as usual with mama birds leading their flocks here and there.  We ate lunch at Middle LL around on the beautiful rock towards the end.  This time we headed back to the point and had a little different view.  The weather was cool enough to sit in the sun or shade for a while.  Below us the irridescent blue dragon flies were both emerging from their exoskeletons and mating/depositing eggs on various surrounding plant life. 

We were happy to see red columbine, mariposa lilies, and the phlox, wallflowers, and penstemon, paintbrush, lupine that we expect in the high country. 

Next week is July 4th and at present no hike is planned due to the holiday.  The following week there is is one idea but we can be flexible:  Frog Lake Overlook...8:30 group...

From Selma:

The 9 a.m. HIking group consisting of Karen, Priscilla, and Selma drove to the PCT Trailhead on I-80. We hiked to Angela, Flora, And Azalea Lakes. We practically had the place to ourselves. Met and talked with a hiker who had started in Mexico and was headed north. Saw several people on the opposite side of the lake swimming. More varieties of wildflowers than we have seen the last few weeks. At the junction of the PCT Trail the meadow was filled with "Shooting Stars". Also saw lots of red Penstemon growing around the rocks. Not as many Phlox as last week. Other flowers we found were Delphinium, Indian Paint Brush, Lupine, Mountain Aster, and Mountain Azalea. Sorry no pictures. Karen was happy to soak her feet in the cool water of the lake at lunchtime. It was a very pleasant day. No delays on the roads due to construction or traffic in either direction.


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