Thursday, June 21, 2012

Penner Lake

A far cry from a year ago, the Island Lake area was not ice and snow; the mosquitos were in heaven and campers abounded.  Our large group split the first time at a Crooked Lake, with four having to return earlier than others.  The rest of us went on to Penner where we dominated the camping (far) end dawdling over lunch in the perfect mountain air.  As some dipped their feet in the cool water, a swimmng snake came to investigate.  Becoming bored, he "s-ed" is way down to the mud and swam to deeper waters. 

On the way back we divided and reunited a few times, finally leaving one carpool to return a tad earlier than the others.  Two carpools went out on Island Lake's rock penninsula to take in the view and put feet in the water once again. 

Although there were campers around at both lakes, we pretty much had the silence of the areas to ourselves.  We saw another swarm of bees as well as some wildflowers:  Mountain Jewel, Wallflower, Penstemon, floresent-looking Phlox, and meadows of Pussy Paws. 

We returned rather late but did get to enjoy the place we had driven so far to hike in.  Not everyone wants to take that luxury of time.  Choose your carpools carefully. 

On our drive home, we almost hit a coyote as he decided to bound across Brunswick between Peter's and our cars.

Photos by Maureen.

We hiked 7.3 miles with an 1100 foot elevation gain.  Next week we will leave Sutton Way at 8:30 for a high country hike.  It sounds like there may be an alternative group that leaves at 9 for a shorter hike. 

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