Thursday, April 23, 2009

Purdon on Earth Day

Unseasonably warm weather greeted 19 hikers as they fought their way past poison oak and snakes. Mary, Jim'n'Jan, both Marilyns, Steve'n'Ella, both Barbaras, Maurine (welcome back!), Karen, Selma, Kim, Stan, Priscilla, Laurie, Ann, Cyndi, and John hiked 7 miles round trip. They ate lunch at a beach just east of the Round Mountain Trail on the Yuba.

Once again I wasn't there - still sick with this viral infection!! Gads, don't get it!

Hopefully I will bring my weakened self on next week's hike. The proposal is to start at S. Yuba Campground and hike to Illinois Crossing and Overlook Point. For those who want a longer hike, there are a few alternatives on the return with a meeting at Edwards Crossing. If it's a really HOT day, we might want to hike up at the Omega Reststop on the Pioneer Trail.

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