Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Table Mountain redux

I've been getting emails from people afraid they've been dropped from the hiking group. Nope - just haven't been hiking with the group due to other commitments including travel. But due to Superman Clarence with the power of email and the GPS, John and I, who had an afternoon appointment in Oroville (bottom of Coal Canyon, actually) got to re-create your hike of last week. Today we saw the not quite as wonderful wild flowers of last week: Blue Dicks, Poppies, Lupine, Owl's Clover, Sedum, Mimulus, Violets, etc.....walking cross-country between waterfalls enjoying the spectacular rock outcroppings while hurrying due to the storm that the darkening west portended.

At the bottom of Coal Canyon is Chaffin Family Orchard. It is an organic permaculture farm selling exquisite fruit and organically raised meats, including chicken and eggs and is reached north of Oroville.

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