Friday, April 17, 2009

Stevens Trail on Tax Day

As many of you know, I am writing this secondhand from my sofa, where I have been hanging out since Monday. I've caught the flu from Hell and yes, we DID have the shots. Fever as high as 102.

So John told me that Akiko, Tiana, Cyndi (welcome back - is this farewell to snow?), Barbara G. Stan, Jim, Steve and Ellen (from Colfax - anyone have their email address??) hiked down the Stevens Trail on the east side of Colfax to the American River. John thought it was about 8 miles while Jim, and his "accurately callibrated instrument" thought it was 7. So you can take your pick. Spectacularly beautiful wild flowers were seen, including Fairy Lantern and Lupine. The trail was well-built, contoured and high above the American River, gradually descending to meet the river at the site of a former crossing to the Iowa Hill trail.

An alternate trip was taken locally by Laurie, Priscilla, and Karen.

Next week the group is going to hike out of Purdon. I won't be there due to yet another workshop (if I recover sufficiently) but John will. Hope to see you all the following week.

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