Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bowman Circuit

From John:
Bowman Lake

Sierra Buttes

Watch Tree Tarn


CA Fuchsia

Rock Lake

Above Loney

It's snowing!
Only three of us braved the threatening forecasts on Wednesday at 8:30 and, after some debate, decided to go ahead with the planned hike around Bowman Mtn.  The traffic was light on 20, and virtually nonexistent on Bowman Lake Rd.  Needless to say, our car was the only vehicle parked at the Loney Meadow trailhead.  It was a bit chilly but we had adequate clothing and we warmed up soon with steady climbing.  We managed to find the dairy barn with little trouble, but did a bit of crashing around in the brush until we hit on the trail which connects to the jeep road heading up the shoulder of the mountain.  It really was a beautiful day, with enough sun and beautiful clouds.  The views as we got higher were wonderful with Bowman Lake beneath us and a nice shot to the Sierra Buttes.  As we rounded the mountain and began descending a bit towards the watch tree, we were impressed with a nice show of flowers, CA Fuchsia if I'm not mistaken.  That little tarn by the watch tree, which is so beautiful in the spring and early summer is almost dry and not so pretty.  We lunched at Upper Rock Lake at the usual place, but that lake also is quite low, and lives up to its name, more rock than lake.  As we ate, the storm clouds closed in and it looked a bit threatening, with the random snow pellet from time to time.  We decided we shouldn't hang around much longer and quickly finished lunch and headed down the trail towards the car, heading down Texas Creek past Bullfrog Lake.  The snow picked up quite a bit, but never stuck.  There was a debate about whether it was snow or hail, or a combination (snail?).  I held out for snow.  It was beautiful to hear it falling on the dry Mules Ears.  All in all, we went a bit over 8 miles and climbed about 1500 feet.  A wonderful day.

Next week 10/2 there is some talk of trying once again to get to the top of Devil's Peak.  8:30 as usual; we'll go somewhere interesting.

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