Saturday, December 20, 2014

Moving downtown

After hiking from Booklover's B&B to the top of Mt Victoria (360 degree view)we changed bedrooms to downtown for one night. From a book collection that puts us to shame (thank goodness)' we had to move to Intercontinental high rise as Booklover's was over-booked. In all ways. Clutter to ultra modern systems that left us baffled. Riding in the elevator up and down. We had to ask a hotel worker how to operate the darned thing.  And the bathroom is so open you need to pull a shade down. Being downtown had its plusses as we are close to lots of attractions and could finally see the iconic beehive parliament building. And pick up on where we left off in the botanic garden. Off to Auckland tomorrow in the early AM by train. We will miss this beautiful harbor but it is raining again. 

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