Friday, December 19, 2014


So we've been hanging around in Wellington for a few days. We took the ferry across an uneventful (considering it broke down the next day) and calm crossing.   The weather has been "winter" according to the locals. The first day we hiked around to get our bearings. As usual, we ran into various friendly Kiwis.   We took the cable car up the hill and hiked through the botanical garden. A few raindrops turned into a downpour towards the bottom of the hill. Taking refuge in a lovely greenhouse with a few others, we found out that they were now closed. Out on the streets again we made our way towards the harbor as that seemed the best way to our distant B&B. Going over bridges, we realized traffic was at a standstill. Glad we were walking even though our shoes squashed and our noses dripped. The next day it continued to rain as we walked around by "bush" (trails) to Oriental Bay in the south. We walked along the water into town to the huge Te Papa museum. It was jammed with vacationers and families with the same idea. We checked our dripping rain clothes at the cloakroom and had a leisurely time to enjoy the exhibits. Every time we looked outside,  we patted ourselves on the back for being so smart. Rain was sheeting down and blowing off the water. Finally the museum closed and the whole lot were turned out on the quay by the bay. The weather had cleared and the sun was coming out. Lovely. 

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