Monday, December 8, 2014


With no security, passengers for Nelson were ushered onto the Tarmac at Auckland domestic terminal. I stopped to take a picture of the ATR 72-600 and the guard ran up to me yelling "no iPhone" over and over. Once again I imagined handcuffs. I hustled off to the stairs to get up into the plane. Really smooth ride...gimmee rides in those. Arriving in a light rain in Nelson we couldn't figure how to get our luggage. We finally found it out by street. Wet. The cabbie into town was the usual friendly kiwi and told us that we had to take the track up to the "geographical center of NZ". The lady at our wonderful B&B told us NOT to fall asleep. This was a bigger chore than we bargained for. So we tramped up the steep track and marveled at the center being so conveniently located. We continued to walk around until an early dinner and bed. But John cheated: he fell asleep while walking. 
The center
Key to B&B

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