Saturday, January 3, 2015

Rainbow Mountain

On to Turangi but first we climbed Rainbow Mountain. Easy enough. The big one was coming up. After lunch we walked along the river which exits giant Lake Taupo. About an hour up the path is a serious waterfall. Also there was a thermal area along the river. After poking around Lake Taupo (think Tahoe City), we left the honky tonk New Years Eve crowd and headed to a fishing lodge inTurangi.  The normally quiet place had a Reggae festival going on with loud speaker and bands. Music sounded like rock, not Reggae.  John was happy to reunite with his boots which had been sent from Tutukaka. He proceeded to wad up newspaper to dry them out best he could. He got the paper from storage in his suitcase, thereby using his motto: "You never know when you might need it". 
Thermal spot in river. 
Stuffing the boots

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