Sunday, January 4, 2015


We returned a couple of nights ago. With the lousy Internet and no time it's been hard to keep up with this blog. We had a great time although we feel the trip was a bit too packed with adventures. This was especially true with the Active NZ part at the end. It was a bit ridiculous for us to go into those caves or mountain biking. We love to hike - even long distances - challenging adrenaline sports are not interesting to us.  For this reason and the discomfort of the bus while listening to rock music Active NZ is a bit of a mismatch for us. However their choices of locations to stay were stellar. Except for their Auckland choice, a business hotel, the lodging was creative - comfortable with a view or outlook - just perfect. Eating as a group at the picnic tables outside is another plus. The other organization trip in Abel Tasman was fabulous. Wilsons timed everything perfectly, provided stellar lodging and food and leadership. The excursions even during the all day downpour were challenging and enjoyable. While on our own in Nelson, Picton, Wellington, and Auckland; we did our own one day excursions to visit various sanctuaries and tracks, museums and botanical gardens.  NZhas an on-going predator problem as no mammals except a couple of bats are native which is why sanctuaries are necessary. It was thrilling to see so many endangered species making a comeback. As we encountered last time, the New Zealanders were outgoing and friendly. We reconnected with old B&B friends for more social life than we get in a year. We also were very happy with all the people in the groups during  our arranged trips. Although we were by far the oldest, and we were among Giants and sports jocks, everyone was friendly and helpful. I just felt like a wizened midget. 

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