Sunday, January 4, 2015

Waitomo Caves

Packing in ever too much, we were taken on a prime tourist-danger adventure before boarding our planes. Outfitted in ill-fitting heavy wet wetsuits,socks, hoods,helmets we were crammed into a van that drove us a short distance. There, we were issued inner tubes and told that we would now practice our jumps. A high jump into a freezing river was indicated but we were told we wouldn't have to do that high until we were in caves. The lower jump was for us. We backed up clinging onto our tubes in the sitting position and told to spring far from the platform to miss the rocks. Upon hitting the water I had an incident similar to one earlier in the trip at Abel Tasman. Throat closing feeling. Think it is asthma. Luckily it was quickly over but increased my anxiety about the caves. We took a hike to the caves with in our heavy wetsuits, carrying our inner tubes. The caves were a climb down rocks in a stream. Felt like I was going to my death. Shaking like a leaf as unpleasant guide barked instructions. Our hard hats protected us from stalactites and rocks as we crouched and walked lower and lower into a cold hell. Finally: first short jump went okay. Shaking getting worse only relieved by the amazing glow worms at the top of the caves. Like twinkling lights or the Milky Way. They lit the way although we also wore dim head lights. I breathed deeply and tried to envision the calming effect of taking a12 hour plane ride. When I could see John, I saw he looked as happy as I was. NOT. At one point we were to stand on the bottom and walk. But my feet didn't touch even with water up to my lips so the drill sergeant had to pull me along. Never was I so happy to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

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