Saturday, January 3, 2015

Tongariro Alpine Crossing

We were off bright and early with half the world to do this famous track on a bright and shiny New Years Day. Lots of Asians and Northern Europeans.  It is rated as the best day hike NZ has to offer and one of best day hikes in the world. We left the bus at the parking lot and someone comes around to park it at the end for us. Kind like a chain monkey. The trail is exposed and open as it goes up through the crater of this active volcano and descends to a lower elevation. It is 12 miles with a 2528 foot elevation gain and a 3670 foot elevation loss. Some of the trail is very steep and where not relieved by steps, there are chains and cables. At one place I was foundering in the scree and a guy helped me up, dropping his Go Pro in the process.  It skittered down quickly but was retrieved by someone below. The solid lines of hikers reminded us of pictures of the Chilkoot Pass.  I stepped aside numerous times to let faster hikers go by. Hardly anyone our age. When we got to the plateau, the jocks from our group decided to ascend the south crater. To me and several others it looked like something NZ ought to regulate. The angle of repose looked fragile and dangerous but they did it.  Some who did, questioned whether they should have. But NZ is loathe to regulate even though the volcano is active. This is part of the adrenaline encouragement practiced by the culture. But you can't sue in NZ so dangerous fun is practiced everywhere. 

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